gym management software

What Are the Trends on Gym Management Software?

The potential gym management system can be utilized to perform tasks of the facility at the highest convenience level. Some operations that this software performs with efficiency are:

  • Billing for the management of payments and membership dues.
  • Marketing tasks for increasing retention.
  • Customer relationship management for the expansion of the customer base.

The success of any gym depends on the reliability of the software it is currently using.

Concept of gym management software:

Concept of gym management software

You can find this system in the market with various names like:

  • Gym scheduling software.
  • Fitness software.
  • Fitness management software.
  • Fitness studio software.

All of them are developed to ensure the smooth running of gyms or fitness clubs. It offers features through which gym owners analyze financial data and keep track of gym memberships. It is a great helping tool for maintaining the efficiency of the following:

  • Fitness studio resource.
  • Staff
  • Inventory
  • Budget

Variations of gym management software:

Different gym management systems are available to help gym owners excel. We are going to check how many sorts of solutions are available in the industry. So, there are two significant forms of fitness management software.

Web-based software:

The internet manages this system and allows users to access businesses from remote areas. It always keeps records up to date, whether single-location or multi-location. You can maintain control over the business in this way.

Desktop-based software:

Desktop Based Software

This kind of software must be installed on your computer. For efficiency, you have to install an updated version every time. This system allows you to access gym data only from the office.

For what kind of business gym management software is designed?

The word “gym” is included in the name of the software, but it doesn’t mean that only gyms can use it. So, here is the list of businesses for which you can utilize this system:

Gym Management Software Is Designed

  • Health clubs.
  • Boutique fitness studios.
  • Health spas.
  • CrossFit gyms.
  • Martial arts studio.
  • Fitness centers.
  • Fitness studios.
  • Personal trainers.
  • Sports performance businesses.

Who are the users of management software?

The gym owners and their employees interact with the business software. But the accessibility to the data can vary according to the role of the facility.

Trainers or instructors use software for the following objectives:

  • Manage their availability.
  • Check their schedules.
  • View member information.

Front desk staff uses this software for the below-given purpose:

  • Enroll clients in memberships.
  • Schedule classes for members.
  • Process payments.

    Grow Your Revenue with Gym Software By +63 %

    • Easily streamline all the operations of the gym
    • Easy to schedule all the classes
    • Easy to engage with customers

Gym owners and operators can take advantage of software for the following benefits:

  • For viewing financial reports.
  • Creation of new classes and programs.
  • Management of marketing communications.

However, the business’s clients also use this software to facilitate themselves. It provides a client portal that is intended solely for usage by clients. Through it, members can efficiently perform the following tasks:

  • Log in.
  • Enroll in memberships.
  • Scheduling new classes.
  • Make transactions with the fitness center.

Hence, while choosing any fitness software, gym owners have to keep in mind this is not only for internal operations. The members also have an association with it. Using software that provides poor customer experience can bring fitness studios to the verge of bankruptcy.

Why is gym management software important?

Why is Gym Management Software Important

So far, we’ve discussed software and how it may be used by business owners, employees, and clients. Now, we will discuss why we can’t ignore the aspect of implementing software at the gym.

  • This software optimizes studio operations by automating routine tasks like:
  • Check-ins.
  • Schedule management.
  • Membership renewals.
  • The member’s satisfaction increases because of the facilities provided by the system like:
  • 24×7 class booking facility.
  • Electronic forms and waivers.
  • The software’s reporting feature helps make beneficial decisions for the business.

Trends in gym management software:

Trends in Gym Management Software

Technology is innovating continuously at a neck-breaking pace. This holds in the case of the best gym management software as well. Gyms, fitness studios, Pilates studios, and more require something extraordinary from software solutions. Here are some trends that have taken control of the fitness software market.

1. Fitness centers and health clubs are increasing:

Obesity is a growing issue helping fuel the software industry’s expansion. The revenue in the software market is expected to reach US $608.70bn in 2022. This revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate of 5.87% in 2022-2027. All of these facts are mentioned in the Statista Market Forecast.

13% of adults worldwide, according to Our World in Data, are obese. This is not the only reason behind the increase in fitness centers and health clubs. The growing influence of fashion and body-building trends is also contributing to it.

2. Efficient membership management:

2. Efficient Membership Management

The need for effective membership is continuously increasing in the market. Gyms are looking for those systems that offer this feature. The membership management feature must be capable of performing the following functions:

  • Tracking of management innovation.
  • Communication with gym members.
  • Planning of events according to the member’s desire.

3. Better integration feature of gym software solutions:

Many fitness centers are facing integration issues only because their systems are incompatible. Therefore, gym owners are desperately looking for a solution to integrate all systems into one software.

4. Streamline dashboards:

The gym owners and their teams are busier than ever. They don’t have enough time to collect data manually and make decisions accordingly. The streamlined dashboards facilitate them with the information they need to take the initiative. Furthermore, these dashboards are a convenient source of enhancing the user experience.

5. Streamlined reporting system:

5. Streamlined Reporting System

The gym owners don’t have time to wait for the analysis of the efforts they have made. They need to know the impact of strategies immediately. Therefore, there is a need for software that readily provide the trends of membership renewal, revenue, attendance, and more.

6. Dynamic automated billing system:

Revenue calculation is not possible without an efficient billing system. Fitness businesses are looking for a system that is capable of calculating the following automatically in the bill:

  • Late fees
  • Cancellations
  • Add on services
  • No-shows

7. Customized payroll:

Every gym owner uses a different method of running a gym. But the payroll system is the standard need for all of them. They want a solution that calculates custom pay rates for them like:

  • Bi-weekly
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Per hour
  • According to classes

Current and future systems should be capable of meeting that requirement.

8. Integration with point of sale:

8. Integration with Point of Sale

Various gyms are selling in-house and online services. The competition’s intensity has made every gym need to opt for e-commerce. So, now owners require software that offers a point-of-sale system that manages sales and inventory. This also shows which products are trending and suggests which need to be discontinued.

9. Engagement with members and clients:

The future software will be able to ensure business engagement with the clients. They will be more connected than ever before. The features which should be a part of such kind of software are:

  • Digital whiteboard.
  • Mobile apps.
  • Access to workout stats.
  • Integration with other systems.
  • Possibility of sending newsletters and email campaigns.
  • Performance evaluation.

10. Completely organized class experience:

There is a great demand for more organized and up-to-date fitness classes for everyone. The advanced software will allow gym owners to be on top of the following aspects:

  • Scheduling class size.
  • Marketing.
  • Progress and management from the central location.

11. Going mobile:

According to Statista, there are 6.648 billion mobile phone users worldwide. You can say that almost 83.72% of the population has a smartphone. All gym owners want to take advantage of that facility. They need a solution that provides clients with workout stats, class schedules, and gym-related news and events. The use of apps can connect consumers with your business within minutes.

12. High profile lead management:

12. High Profile Lead Management

Members are, without a doubt, the lifeblood of any fitness business. They expect software to lead them from the “green” leads to those who have taken trial memberships. They have expressed an interest in your gym. Gym management software must be efficient enough to transform leads into sign-ups.

13. Ease of online self-expression:

The software should make it easy for clients to spread their word around the world about the gym. The clients should be able to enjoy posting about their exercises to passing along information about fitness studios. The future system should be able to compensate for an ever-changing and highly integrated world.

14. Customization:

Every fitness business has different needs, so you can’t implement the exact solution for each. Customizable software is the need of an hour. Therefore, fitness studios with all requirements and sizes could benefit from it.

The gym owners love the comfort of customized email templates, forms, and waivers. They need an integration feature to link it with any payment method.

Final comments

In the current era, many solutions have somehow met the expectations of the fitness business owner. The Wellyx also falls in the category of such gym management software. But still, the developers are working on all systems to make them more valuable to facilitate owners and other stakeholders. The usage of advanced software will help in increasing your bottom line. This is the point that most gym owners don’t consider while planning to use technology. They need to research how the utilization of software positively impacts revenue.

Further reading

If you would like to discuss any aspect of our research, or find out more about how Wellyx can help you manage and grow your gym or fitness studio, please contact [email protected] or call your nearest team