Top 6 reports every gym owner should be running

The Top 6 Reports Every Gym Owner Should Be Running

Sales and marketing operations are the building blocks of any successful business. Whether you own a small gym or a big fitness franchise with multiple locations, using data analytics is vital to ensure your business growth. It assists you in knowing how your customers think and act at your facility. You can simply make wise decisions and provide customers with what they want precisely.

Making intelligent, data-driven decisions is crucial for maximizing your time and resources. That’s where fitness reporting comes in handy. Fitness reporting allows you to identify patterns and predict issues before they arise. It assists you in understanding the numbers you gather so that you can use them to your advantage.

In this article, we will delve into the significance of fitness reporting, which reports are essential to track, and explain why it is crucial for achieving success in your fitness journey.

What are fitness reports?

If you operate a fitness business, you understand how vital data collection is for making informed decisions. It might be highly challenging to make sense of the data flowing in from your website, social media channels, point of sale, payments, and memberships. This is when fitness reports come in handy.

Fitness reports are a collection of facts that enable you to make better decisions and enhance your business. These reports compile all of the data you have and organize it such that it makes sense. You may make business decisions based on these reports that will have a stronger influence on sales funnel, customer experience, marketing, and much more.

why are fitness reports important

Fitness data enables your business to make data-driven decisions with higher financial rewards. Reports deliver data-driven insights into member spending and behaviors and predict future business performance. Fitness reports can help you:

  • Identify trends in member behavior: These reports help you identify trends in member behavior. It helps to know which classes are the most popular, which trainers are most in demand, and which times of day are the busiest.
  • Track revenue and expenses: Fitness reports also clearly show your revenue and spending. These reports also enable you to make wise decisions related to pricing and marketing budgets.
  • Improve member experience: Analyzing member data enables you to identify areas that need improvement in order to enhance member experience. 

How to use fitness reports?

To use fitness reports effectively, you must understand what data is vital to your business. Some key metrics you need to focus on are.

  • Member retention: Data about how many members are staying with your gym and how many are leaving.
  • Revenue per member: How much revenue are you generating per member, and how can you increase it?
  • Sales funnel: How many leads are coming in, and how many leads are converting to members?
  • Marketing ROI: How much do you spend on marketing, and is there any ROI?

By tracking these metrics and using fitness reports to analyze the data, you can make decisions that can significantly impact your business.

The essential reports you should be running

Running a successful fitness business requires keeping track of key performance indicators and metrics to ensure you’re meeting your business goals. Luckily, there are various reports you can run to analyze your business operations and improve them. Here are some essential reports you should be running at your fitness business.

the essential reports you should be running

Revenue report

Running a business is challenging, especially when managing finances. As a fitness business owner, keeping track of your money is crucial. You need to know what is coming and what is going. This is where revenue reports come in.

What are revenue reports?

Revenue reports are essential financial reports that track the money your fitness business generates. You can run these reports monthly, weekly or yearly to compare and contrast your business’s financial performance.

Why are revenue reports important?

Revenue reports offer valuable insights into your business’s financial health, including identifying the sources of the highest monthly revenue. They can answer important questions like:

  • What’s bringing in the most monthly revenue?
  • What’s bringing in the least revenue every month?
  • Has revenue increased or decreased since ___? Am I on track to meet the revenue projections?

Through data analysis, you can discover the factors contributing to your business’s growth. This allows you to spot chances to raise revenue or introduce new avenues of income. You can also discover what has impacted your income by breaking the figures and analyzing the data.

How to use revenue reports?

You must understand your business’s critical data to use revenue reports effectively. Some key metrics to track include:

  • Total revenue: How much money your business generates in a specific time period
  • Revenue per customer: How much is each customer spending
  • Revenue by service: How much money each service generates
  • Revenue by location: How much money each location generates

Analyzing these metrics and leveraging revenue reports enables you to make data-driven decisions that significantly impact your business.

End-of-Day report

It is always crucial for businesses to run an end-of-day report to know more about their daily sales. This report, also known as a ‘closing report,’ ‘X-Out,’ or ‘Z-Read,’ calculates and displays all the activities that occurred at the point-of-sale (POS) in a day. But why is it important? 

Importance of this report

Firstly, running a closing report helps businesses reconcile the cash drawer and identify any financial discrepancies. Secondly, it provides valuable insights into sales patterns that can be useful for decision-making and business planning. For example, a closing report can show what time a gym sells the most memberships and which are the best sellers.

Customizable data outputs

Depending on the gym’s software system, the closing report can provide a range of parameters that enable users to customize data outputs. This means different people may require different reports. For example, a club manager may want a lengthy Excel document, while a casual employee may only require a basic ‘see’ summary, akin to a Z-Read report.

Invest in a software system

Businesses should invest in a management system that provides a closing report. Remember, your data is always at the heart of your business! Running a closing report can help identify sales patterns, reconcile financial discrepancies, and provide valuable insights for decision-making and business planning.

Expiry report

expiry report

Are you struggling with low renewal rates? Are your members slipping through the cracks? One of the major reasons behind this problem is poor communication. But fear not! Expiry reports are here to save the day.

What are expiry reports, and why are they important?

An expiry report is a tool that allows you to keep track of your members’ upcoming expirations so that you can follow up with them promptly. You can avoid losing them as clients and increase your revenue. Here are some reasons why expiry reports are crucial for your fitness business:

  • Help you keep an eye on members’ memberships, which are about to expire.
  • Provide customer information necessary for follow-up.
  • Allow you to contact them and remind them of their expirations.
  • Help you raise your sales and maximize your member management.

How to use expiry reports effectively?

Now that you know what expiry reports are and why they matter, let’s explore how to use them to maximize their benefits:

  • Stay organized by keeping track of upcoming expirations.
  • Reach out to members with personalized reminders via email or SMS.
  • Make renewing easy by offering online or in-app renewal options.
  • Use expiry reports to identify patterns and trends in membership renewals.
  • Keep an eye on membership retention rates to make data-driven decisions.

Remember, using expiry reports effectively requires investing in the right gym management program. With automated SMS and email functions, you can save time and ensure no members slip through the cracks.

New member report

Gyms and clubs have a high turnover rate of members. This is normal and expected in the industry, but the most important thing is to keep track of all the new members. Keeping track and analyzing the trends can help you improve your member acquisition strategy. This is where the new Member Report comes in!

Why is the new member report important?

By tracking your new member numbers over time, you can:

  • Analyze increases or decreases in memberships sold
  • Identify any surprises that may impact your business in the future
  • Determine if your member acquisition strategy needs tweaking
  • Check what memberships were sold to members and optimize the sales process
  • Identify your top-selling memberships and products that need improvement
  • Understand the right way to set pricing, sales promotion, and other adjustments

How can you use the report?

Here are some tips for using this report to improve your business:

  • Reduce the effort required to sign up online and create a quick call to action
  • Encourage members to act on their decisions at the moment
  • Check what memberships were sold to members and optimize the sales process
  • Use insights from the report to make essential adjustments as per requirements

Remember, every second counts when it comes to member acquisition and retention. So, take advantage of your user data and use the new member report to improve your business!

Class attendance report

Are you looking to boost attendance and drive more revenue in your fitness business? Look no further than your class attendance data! Group fitness classes have become highly popular in recent years, and it’s vital to stay ahead of the trend by optimizing your workouts. Luckily, your gym software has reporting features that can help you do that.

Why is this report important?

Class attendance data provides valuable insights into attendee demographics, booking patterns, and waitlist trends. Here’s what you can learn from your class attendance data:

  • Who attends your classes
  • How often do members attend your classes
  • How many members book and confirm each class
  • How many members do not show up
  • How many members are waitlisted

How does it help you?

Analyzing this data allows you to make more informed scheduling decisions while also improving the overall customer experience. For example:

  • Use insights to schedule popular classes on particular days or times
  • Identify which staff members or time slots are most popular with your members
  • Send targeted SMS and email campaigns to previous attendees who haven’t been booking lately
  • Create a popular class list for your clients to stimulate motivation and satisfaction

Don’t let your class attendance data go to waste. Use it to your advantage and keep your fitness business growing!

Dormant report

Have you ever heard the word “dormant”? It means something that is not currently active but may become active after some time. So, you may be wondering what any of this has to do with fitness. The term is critical as some gym members may become inactive by not visiting the gym for an extended period of time. If you run a fitness facility, this might be an essential concern because it will reduce revenue and member retention.

Why is it important?

Running a dormant report is essential for any fitness business owner who wants to increase member retention and prevent revenue loss. By identifying inactive members and reaching out to them, you can encourage them to return to the gym and improve their overall experience. So, don’t neglect your dormant members – revive them using a dormant report.

How does this report help you?

A dormant report is a tool that helps you identify inactive members and contact them to encourage them to come back to the gym. Here are some reasons why running a dormant report is essential for your fitness business:

Identify inactive members: Running a dormant report allows you to identify members who have been inactive for an extended period, empowering you to take proactive steps to retain their membership.

Increase member retention: By reaching out to dormant members, you can remind them that they have a gym membership they’re paying for and encourage them to return to the gym. This can increase member retention and prevent them from canceling their membership.

Boost member motivation: You could offer a free meal plan or personal training session to motivate dormant members to return to the gym. This can help them regain their interest in fitness and improve their overall experience at your gym.

Reduce payment disputes: Regularly engaging with dormant members ensures they stay informed about their gym membership, minimizing the likelihood of payment disputes. Consistent communication also provides documentation to support your position in case of any disputes.


In conclusion, utilizing fitness reports is essential for every gym owner to make informed decisions that can greatly impact the business. By tracking key metrics such as member retention, revenue per member, sales funnel, and marketing ROI, gym owners can gain valuable insights into their business operations and improve customer experience.

Revenue and end-of-day reports are essential reports that gym owners should be running to analyze their financial performance and sales patterns. With the right data analytics tools and accurate interpretation of data, gym owners can optimize their business operations and achieve growth.

It all depends on the information the user is searching for. The Wellyx management system offers a range of tailored reports that allow users to select specific factors, such as membership, account, product, and many more. The reports can be tailored to meet the user’s requirements, from thorough outputs to fast summaries. So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for a Free Trial and experience the convenience yourself.

Further reading

If you would like to discuss any aspect of our research, or find out more about how Wellyx can help you manage and grow your gym or fitness studio, please contact [email protected] or call your nearest team